What did this mother do to her 12 year old?

Women On Wealth On Facebook

Rupali, a transformation coach and mother of a 12 year old completed the WOW Money Gym program about 1.5 years ago. Since then, she’s taken charge of her finances, built and raised her financial consciousness, financial intelligence, and has a recognized voice in her family decisions. She has built a vision for herself and her family – children’s education, retirement and, of course, holidays, too. This clarity has brought her peace of mind.

But that’s not all!

Her two children started to manage their pocket money effectively too – they save up to 80% of their pocket money, enjoy little joys of life without feeling deprived. The best part – Rupali never told her sons what to do with their pocket money, they just saw her being financially conscious, saving money, mindfully spending with a sense of achievement and pride and confidence and that impacted their habits. As you may have heard – kids do what they see, not what they are told!

And, here’s yet another surprise…

Her son, Pranil, has built an app ‘Money Love’ for kids where he writes his financial goals, tracks how much he spends and saves. And, fun part! When Pranil makes it to his goals, cartoons on the app come to celebrate and cheer for him.

Want to raise financially conscious children?

Be one yourself!

Start here – free session, women only!

Program details Here!

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